Thursday, May 17, 2012

This got up and it was dark. At 930 it was dark; the power was out and I knew I payed the bill. I tried to call but my phone is tied to my internet which was also off! So I used Nicki's phone and turns out that I was not the only one with no power. But it came back on later, the kids were so happy because then they could watch tv!!

I am excited, I start a new job next week. Something I have never done before so it looks like fun. But the extra money will be good and I can buy pretty stuff!! lol

I am so tired and don't want to do homework but I need to post now so I can get my participation points.

Thursday, May 10, 2012 check bounced. Stupid light company took the money out way before the rent came out, don't understand that but its whatever. We will just have to pay a lil extra to take care of that. Boo!! My school called to tell me that I owe 100 bucks...really? That gets taken care of when my loans hit twice a year...come on, some people are really not using brains.

My cats, they think they are in trouble cuz I locked them out of the room last night. I had a migraine that was making me sick to my stomach and them running around making noise and bouncing on the bed was not helping. Jason got me meds, an ice pack and took the kittens out of the room.  They were sad. teacher is sick so we are in week 4 and only have grades for week 1. How are we supposed to know what we are doing wrong or right? I have no idea!

The kids, well mom don't work tomorrow cuz shes sick so I get a 3 day weekend. I hope she feels better and rest will  do her some good. I know it will do me some good! Today was a lazy day, they didn't get here until 10 and then down for naps at 12 so very slow and very fun. Watched superman/batman the apocalypse twice, they know what they like!!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012 think it only gets easier right? You think you know everything once you turn 16 right? lol man are we wrong! Getting a degree in Elementary Education is not to hard but it has not proven to be easy either.  Between writing papers and doing math homework I think my brain is going to explode! Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy homework....does that make me a psycho??

Today was pretty simple as far as babysitting. I got the kids at 845 and they went down for naps at 1145. They slept until 245 and 315. Not much I had to do today except make them lunch and make sure they were nice to each other. Not a hard task! I wish more days were like today, tomorrow i get them at 10 but it will be a later day so it might suck.

Facebook=drama! I spent all day on skype yesterday trying to help fix problems and they are still there. Why can't people be nice and just leave others alone when they remove them from their friends? Person A don't want person B in their friends list on the family account? Ok, move on...don't be a baby and throw a fit, you are still on her gaming account so you can still keep in touch. Really, act your age people. *not directed at person A*

My kids, my wonderful furrbabies, they drive me crazy every day! They both have tape worms and I can't get rid of them, I have tried so maybe this time it will work. They are full of energy and bounce off the wall, couch, bed, name it they bounce. They like to play fetch, cats playing fetch~I love it!

I need to do homework, I havent started for this week yet! More tomorrow. Love you all.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

These last two weeks have been absolute hell. However, I am the bigger and better person and will move on. Let her wither away and die wishing she could get over how hurt she really is.

Babysitting is like having my own kids. Good news is I can sugar them up and send them home at night! Its funny, right now we are potting training one of the kids and that is proving to be a task! Mommie forgot diapers and now things are looking up.

I'm tired and want to sleep so this is all for now. You will get more later.